Highly-Creative Teams: Unleash the Performance and Potential of Your Teams
It’s been a tough year. Teams are beyond Zoom fatigue and need a team re-set. We can help. Do you need to unleash the potential and performance of your work teams?
We help teams shift to a high-performance model to produce the results that matter most to your organization. Our process guarantees a 20% measured improvement in team effectiveness. We build teams that are productive and positive.
Creative teams are….
A team is a system, not merely a collection of individuals. As a system, it has a personality, a past, and a voice. We measure the team at the system level and coach to restore your team to high performance. Our three-phased approach includes:
Phase One: Discovery and Assessment
We interview the team leader, identify team goals, confirm team members, and ask the team members to evaluate the team on 14 factors of productivity and positivity. The survey defines “where we are today” and “where we want to be.” It includes an action plan with measurable milestones.
Set Goals
Establish baseline measurement
Phase Two: Ongoing Coaching
Regularly scheduled virtual team coaching sessions to integrate new team behavior, learn new skills, and take new action.
Reveal Results
Create Action Plan
Coach to High-Performance
Phase Three: Post-Coaching Measurements
Completion includes a review of what the team has learned, post-coaching measurement of performance, celebration of results, and a plan for next steps.
Review Progress
Post-coaching measurement
End or Extend
Maximizing Team Performance
Team Agreements that Stick
Eliminating Team Toxins
Navigating Beyond Conflict
Leading Meetings: Use Time Effectively
DiSC for Teambuilding: Collaboration and Communication
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team